With the experiences Paul has had, he is sure to wow any audience with his motivational speaking and workshops.
Paul Vicary has lived much of his life below the radar. His specialist military career required this; his life as an Explorer and Adventurer resulted in this.
With so many dangerous and exciting experiences behind him, it is time to step into the spotlight and tell his story. A story that will teach others how to be resilient, how to cope with all that life throws at them; how to be a good team member, and how to dig deep instead of giving up.
Paul tells his story of the past as a Soldier and Adventurer, and of the present as a Speaker, a Mental Fitness Coach, and an Author.
But most of all, he tells his story as a man who believes passionately in highlighting two of the most important issues of our time: climate change, and mental health.
In the words of Ernest Shackleton, an Adventurer/Explorer should have 'optimism, patience, idealism, and courage.'
In today's world, mental fitness is essential for all of us. It is a busy world. We lead busy lives and we all need to learn to find our own 'inner explorer'.
With mental fitness comes resilience, the drive and determination to keep going, and the strength to keep yourself on track regardless of circumstances.
Paul Vicary encompasses all of these. His military career and expeditions have led him into dangerous and harsh environments and have not been without risk.
From Soldier to Adventurer to Speaker, Paul has certainly pushed himself and others to physical and mental limits, in natural and manmade environments.
Now, with his 'kit bag' in hand, Paul shares his incredible experiences as a soldier and adventurer and his expertise as a Mental Fitness Coach, to help others find their inner adventurer and resilience to tackle modern life.
His North and South Pole expeditions highlight the devastating effects of climate change on the natural environment and ultimately on us as humans. But as Paul digs deeper into his own reserves and resilience, he teaches us more about our own strengths and weaknesses and new ways of tackling difficult situations. His adventures, his story, and his humility weave themselves through his work as a speaker, as an author and as a mental fitness coach.
This is a man you will want to listen to.

Read the book,
experience first hand 'The Race Against Time.'
Climate scientists are now predicting that the Arctic could be ice-free by 2058. The team’s aim was to capture the global significance of this remote region before it changed dramatically. The deteriorating conditions on the ice were to make this journey, quite literally, a ‘Race Against Time’

"We're only human and I'm really not special in any form."
1986 was the beginning of a 33-year army career that took Paul to many countries, and areas of conflict. From a young cadet to a member of a Special Military Unit, Paul gained the skills, qualifications, resilience, and mindset required to set him up for life.
" I have always felt a desire for adventure and challenge."
With my name pulled out of a hat, a £5,000 loan and a training regime to haul a 160kg weight over the ice, I was ready for my South Pole expedition. 76 days living in one of the remotest parts of the world with two other human beings - now that is what I call an adventure!
"It is what is below the iceberg that matters. I am not a 'fire-and-forget' type of person."
Paul's expeditions, challenges, and former military career have taken him to jungles, ice caps, battlefields, and deserts. Through the inspiring stories he shares as a motivational speaker, Paul helps others to dig deep and reach their own North Pole.
On April 25th 2016, I stood on top of the world at the Geographic North Pole, having reached our overall goal and documenting what we saw on ice. But this was not how it was originally planned...

The North Pole - "it's like another planet where humans are not meant to be."

With the experiences Paul has had, he is sure to wow any audience with his motivational speaking and workshops.